Welcome to MON COQ edition
Welcome to the colourful website of my publishing house.
Come in and find out more about my passions in all things concerning books and hockey!
Enjoy this site and please mind the "Fair Play":
About me
My whole life has somehow been characterised and filled with my love for books. Because of that, I became an artisan bookbinder before I started not only to bind but also to write and illustrate books. In between, I studied French and art education and became, above all, a mum filling her children's bookshelves with plenty of books. Until the day I tried to put in one about my son's favourite hobby: hockey.
It didn't exist. So, with the lovely proofreader's support of national coach Chris Faust, whom I met by chance, I began to write a book series for boys and girls of primary school age… "The Hockey-Kids" were born.
That was in 2014 and marked the beginning of my reading tours through Germany's classrooms and hockey clubs. During the past years, I have been able to reach thousands of children, to infect them with my passion for hockey and to be involved in so many amazing tournaments, whether for kids or at the Indoor WCC 2015 in Leipzig or at the Indoor Hockey World Cup in Berlin 2018. Not to forget the book fairs where Lena, Lars & Max, my three little "Hockey-Kids", have also delighted lots of children. In March 2017 in Leipzig, for instance, with the fantastic launch of Book 2 of the German version of this hockey book series and after the release of book 3 and some translations the digital book fair Frankfurt 2020.
From the outset, it increasingly became my heartfelt wish to introduce children to our great sport - hockey - and give them reading material focusing on their sporting hobby. But I wanted not only young children in Germany to take the Hockey-Kids Lena, Max and Lars to their hearts. So, many translations in English, Spanish, Dutch, French and Portuguese followed soon.
Then, in 2019, I decided not only to join the kids in their clubs to read to them but also to support hockey development where it is needed -llike in Africa- and to collect the children's old hockey equipment and sticks in an own international donation campaign that is supported by the FIH's The Hockey Foundations as an official Hockey 4 Life project : #HockeyKids4HockeySticks
Find out more about my books, readings, my donation campaign and workshops on my author's website:
I would be delighted if you would like to sell my little book in your shop. Please ask for my terms and conditions.
For further information, please feel free to contact me.
Looking forward with pleasure,
Sabine Hahn
Owner MON COQ edition